Bollywood's powerful actress Taapsee Pannu has been in the headlines for the last few days. Taapsee Pannu is being talked about because of her secret marriage. The actress, known for her amazing acting in films like 'Baby', 'Pink', 'Manmarziyaan', And "Danky', has not officially announced her marriage even after many days. Neither did he post any pictures nor any videos, but still pictures and videos of his wedding functions are going viral on social media. Recently a video of the actress's wedding has surfaced. In this video, the strange marriage of the actress is being seen, which is quite different from the marriages of other stars.
Wedding in a different style
In the video that surfaced, you can see Taapsee Pannu in a red Anarkali suit. The actress, wearing heavy jewelry, kalire, takes the bridal entry while dancing. His friends and family members are seen nearby. Not only this, her foreign groom Raja Mathias Boe was seen completely dressed in Indian clothes. The badminton player also wore beige colored sherwani, turban, and sehra. He holds Taapsee's hand and brings her to the stage, after which both of them garland each other. After this, both of them dance and then come down from the stage. Not only this, but after this Mathias sits on the bicycle in his wedding outfit and Taapsee is also seen standing next to him. Both look ready to bid farewell on bicycles.
Watch video here
First glimpse of #taapseepannu #mathiasboe #wedding #bollywood #fyp #bollywoodpollywoodlifez
— Kuldeep Kaur (@bollypollylifez) April 3, 2024
Taapsee's bridal look
While all the Bollywood heroines are wearing designer lehengas for their weddings, Taapsee chose a heavy Anarkali suit for her wedding. Taapsee Pannu chose a red pair in the era of beige and pink, on which Gota Patti and Kiran's lace work was also seen. Their marriage took place in a very unique style and the customs were also quite different. Let us remind you, that the news of Taapsee's marriage came to light when some of her pictures from the wedding function went viral. His film stars were also seen in these pictures. After this, the actress was seen posing with her husband Mathias Boe wearing vermilion on Holi.
How met
Let us tell you, that Taapsee Pannu's boyfriend Mathias Boy is a foreigner, he is originally a resident of Denmark. He has no connection with the film world, rather he is a badminton player. Mathias won the silver medal in men's doubles in the 2012 Olympics. Both of them also met through this game. In the year 2013, the Indian Badminton League was going on, in which Mathias took part from Lucknow team Awadh Warriors, while Taapsee was the brand ambassador of champion Hyderabad Hotshots. The love story of both started from here. Both of them got married after dating for the last several years.